Public Notices
The City releases public notices related to amendments, certain development applications, and public hearings. This page changes often so please check back regularly.
Notice of First Reading
The City of Kimberley is considering first reading of the following proposed zoning bylaw amendment on Monday, March 24, 2025 at 7:00 pm:
Bylaw No. 2780, Amendment No. 179, 2025 to City of Kimberley Zoning Bylaw No. 1850, 1994
The proposed zoning amendments would establish regulations to prohibit the future development of drive-through services and gas stations. All existing drive-through services and gas stations would become non-conforming uses that may continue to operate, including maintenance and changes in business ownership, until the use is changed or discontinued for a continuous period of six months.
To facilitate this change, the following amendments are proposed:
Amend Section 3 (Interpretation) to add new definitions for alternative fuel infrastructure (direct current fast charger, hydrogen vehicle refueling station), drive-through service, and vehicle service station;
Amend Section 4 (General Regulations) to include ‘drive-through service’ and the ‘sale of petroleum derived fuels for refueling vehicles’ in the list of uses prohibited in all zones;
Amend Section 7 (Zones, C-3 Zone) to remove gasoline sales and add vehicle service station to the list of permitted principal uses in the C-3 zone.
Bylaw No. 2780 may be viewed at City Hall on weekdays (excluding statutory holidays) between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:45 pm, or by following the link below:
You may provide input to the proposed bylaw by submitting comments in writing to City Hall (drop-off in the mail slot, email planning@kimberley.caor fax 250-427-5252) by 2:00 pm on the day of first reading.
Questions? Please contact Erian Scott-Iversen, Planner, at 250-427-9667 or