Roads, Sidewalks & Pathways
Kimberley has over 124 km of routeways, including paved and gravel roads, lanes and pedestrian sidewalks and pathways within municipal boundaries. The City of Kimberley Operations Department wants to make sure that getting around town is a pleasure.
Whether it is snow, ice or rubbish, the CIty appreciates property owners that honour their obligation to keep the sidewalk adjacent to their property clear and safe for pedestrians.
Note that Highway 95A, as it passes through the municipality, is maintained and serviced by private companies under contract to the Ministry of Transportation.

Report a Concern
Easily report issues and concerns happening in and around the City with ‘Lightship’ Public Inquiry Portal. Residents can let City Operations staff know about issues quickly and efficiently with just a few clicks on a computer or device.
For support, review the Lightship Instruction Guide.
Street Use or Occupancy Permits
The Street Use or Occupancy Permit is issued pursuant to "City of Kimberley Streets and Traffic Bylaw No. 1877, 1995" for all works within City road right of ways; including sidewalks, boulevard and unconstructed right of way. To download a Street Use of Occupancy form click HERE