The City releases public notices related to amendments, certain development applications, and public hearings. This page changes often so please check back regularly. 

Notice of First Reading 

The City of Kimberley is considering first reading of the following proposed zoning bylaw amendments on Monday, December 9, 2024 at 7:00 pm: 

Bylaw No. 2779, Amendment No. 178, 2024 to City of Kimberley Zoning Bylaw No. 1850, 1994 

The proposed text amendment would reduce the minimum separation requirement between buildings from 5 metres to 3 metres. This text amendment is being proposed to address the siting of buildings at the Central and Watkins development at 70 Boundary Street (formerly 49 Deer Park Ave.), and would alleviate separation constraints between decks and adjacent buildings. The proposed text amendment involves only the R-3A zone which applies only to the Central and Watkins development site.

Bylaw No. 2773 may be viewed at City Hall on weekdays (excluding statutory holidays) between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:45 pm, or by following the link below: 

Bylaw No. 2779

You may provide input to the proposed bylaw by submitting comments in writing to City Hall (drop-off in the mail slot, email planning@kimberley.caor fax 250-427-5252) by 2:00 pm on the day of first reading.

Questions? Please contact Erian Scott-Iversen, Planner, at 250-427-9667 or