Curbside Composting Program
Welcome to the City of Kimberley Curbside Organics Collection program!
Thank you for committing to using the curbside organics program. It will help our community to extend the life of the landfill, as well as reducing GHG emissions and our impact on the environment.
This program goes beyond at-home compost programs by accepting items that can no longer be placed in your home bin - cooked meat, bones, food soiled paper and napkins, etc. If you compost at home, we encourage you to continue to do so. Then use your curbside compost cart for items that aren't suitable for backyard composting.
If you are new to composting, remember the contents of your solid waste collection are not changing, only where it goes. You are not undertaking composting itself. You are only committing to separating your organics from the rest of your waste.
Here's a copy of the info package you received with your bin - Kimberley Curbside Organics Collection Guide
Organics Cart and Kitchen Bin Basics
All residences that currently receive curbside garbage and recycling collection service in Kimberley will receive a 7-L Kitchen Bin and a 120-L Curbside Collection Cart like the ones pictured. Place your kitchen bin under your sink or other convenient location and store your collection cart in your garage, storage shed or another secure, shaded location.
How to Maintain Your Cart and Bin!
Pests and odours can be kept to a minimum with regular emptying and cleaning of your cart and bin bin. Remember you are not making more organic waste than before – just moving it into a different bin.
- Start with lining your kitchen bin and cart with newspaper or cardboard, which absorbs liquids, prevents odours and make it easier to clean. "Compostable" bags of any kind are not accepted.
- Empty your kitchen bin frequently and keep container lid firmly closed.
- Wash your kitchen bin regularly with hot water and soap or bleach or place in your dishwasher. Rinse your cart with soap or bleach.
- Freeze compost when possible and place in curbside cart on collection day.
- Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda, garden lime or vinegar in your bin to help with odour.
- Please note that the metal bar in the picture is not on curbside organics carts. It is not required for collection.

What Goes IN the BIN!

Avoiding Conflicts with Wildlife
Securing attractants is the single best way to keep people safe, prevent property damage, and avoid the unnecessary killing of bears and other wildlife that come into conflict with people. Wildlife is attracted to organic waste whether it is in an organics cart or a garbage cart. Currently, your organic waste is placed into your garbage cart so the addition of a compost cart will neither increase or decrease the attractant. Continuing to properly manage your carts by securing them on your property or in a shed or garage will minimize the attractant.
Follow these tips to help you avoid wildlife conflict:
- Store your cart in a secure location like a shed or garage and ensure the lid remains closed.
- Layering food and yard waste in collection carts is an effective way to reduce odours that attract animals.
- Put your cart out no later than 7:00 am on your collection day but not before 5:00 am and never the night before.
- When possible, freeze smelly compost until your collection day.
- Use a spray bottle filled with bleach solution to deodorize the lid and the exterior of your cart to help prevent odours.
- Bear-resistant carts will be available for a one-time fee of $239.00. Carts will only be issued to residents that have no other acceptable means of garbage/organics storage and on a case-by-case basis. These carts will be made available through the Operations Desk at City Hall. Email or call 250-427-9660 for information and to apply.

Reporting Wildlife Encounters
The City of Kimberley recommends always reporting wildlife encounters as well as unsecured wildlife attractants. Agencies rely on the public to share relevant information to help keep the public safe and wildlife wild. Wildlife encounters are best reported to the provincial Conservation Officers through the 24 hour R.A.P.P hotline at 1-877-952-7277 or online at To report wildlife attractants, improper storage of attractants or wildlife accessing attractants, call the City of Kimberley’s Bylaw Officer at 250-427-9663.
Solid Waste Rates & Regulations Bylaw
The City of Kimberley's Solid Waste Rates & Regulations Bylaw No 2694 requires that all garbage be safely stored so it is not accessible by wildlife. Store garbage, compost and recycling carts indoors, in a sturdy shed or garage. Garbage and recycling carts should be brought to curb only on the morning of your designated pick-up day by 7:00 am but not before 5:00 am. Visit for a complete copy of Bylaw No. 2694, 2022.