2025 Short-term Rental License renewals were due January 15th, 2025!

In November 2021, Council adopted the Short-term Rental (STR) Bylaw that will ensure safety and responsibility in the tourist rental market. The bylaw establishes clear policies to regulate short-term rentals throughout Kimberley that will enhance the visitor experience and improve our important tourist economy. The main goals of the bylaw are to:

  • ensure building and occupant safety;
  • reduce impacts to housing availability and affordability;
  • reduce STR's impact on neighborhood character;
  • reduce noise, parking and traffic problems and eliminate party houses;
  • improve responsiveness to neighbor complaints;
  • support compliant accommodation providers; and
  • eliminate non-compliant unsafe or unauthorized accommodation providers. 

Scroll to #what-are-short-term-rentals?

What are short-term rentals?

Generally, short-term rentals occur in buildings and units that were originally purpose-built as long-term residential units and are distinguished from commercial enterprises such as hotels or motels. Short-term rentals often occur in single or two family homes, town homes, or apartment units.

Short-term rentals in Kimberley provide needed tourism accommodation in our community. The City of Kimberley currently allows short-term rentals in several of its neighbourhoods, most of which are located in the area surrounding the alpine resort. Most of these neighbourhoods allow for the short-term rental of entire homes and individual suites, but some neighbourhoods are limited to individual bedrooms within a home.

The City of Kimberley now requires operators of short-term rentals to hold licences for each short-term rental unit they operate to ensure that units are safe and operators are responsive to any concerns that may arise.

Bed and Breakfast Sign

Scroll to #eligibility-requirements

Eligibility Requirements

  • Short-term rental unit operators must hold a valid licence, which is valid for the calendar year and must be renewed each year
  • Operators must own the property of which they are applying to licence a short-term rental.
  • Bed and breakfast operators must live in the unit as their primary residence
  • Proof of primary residence will be required
  • Bed and breakfast owner/operators must be the responsible person for their short-term rental
  • Owners must be present any time the short-term rental is operated
  • Tourist Accommodation operators may identify themselves as the responsible person, otherwise they must appoint a responsible person
  • If an operator’s property is within a strata, proof of strata authorization will be required
  • A maximum occupancy of 12 guests is allowable, subject to a review of proposed floor plan/sleeping arrangements by City staff

Scroll to #zoning-types-in-kimberley

Zoning Types In Kimberley

Please see below for a listing of zoning types within Kimberley that allow short-term rentals. For zone descriptions and more detailed requirements where applicable, please see Zoning Bylaws Nos. 1850 & 2016. For further clarification, please contact planning@kimberley.ca.

Scroll to #how-to-apply/renew---short-term-rental-guide-and-required-forms

How to Apply - Short-Term Rental Guide and Required Forms

1. The Short-term Rental Bylaw includes:

  • Licence requirements
  • Application requirements
  • Marketing requirements
  • Responsible Person requirements
  • Licence Conditions
  • Enforcement Penalties

2. The Short-term Rental Guidebook contains all of the information you need to ensure compliance with the new STR Bylaw. 

3. Short-term Rental Unit Application

4. Short-term Rental Unit Renewal Application

5. Short-term Rental Manager Application

Submit completed applications to info@kimberley.ca or in-person at City Hall - 340 Spokane Street.

Scroll to #short-term-rental-unit-licence-fees

Short-Term Rental Unit Licence Fees

Short-term rental unit licence: $300 per year*

Designation of responsible person (other than owner): $50

Short-term rental manager licence: $75 per year*

*Licences are issued on a calendar year basis (January 1st - December 31st) and must be renewed each year prior to January 1st.

Scroll to #short-term-rental-complaint-hotline

Short-Term Rental Complaint Hotline

We are working hard to ensure short-term rental (STR) operators are in compliance with short-term rental regulations. However, we realize that sometimes STR regulations are not followed.

If you would like to report noise, parking, trash, or other problems with a short-term rental or think there may be an illegal rental in your neighbourhood, we invite you to reach out through the online complaint form or 24/7 call line. Visit the Secure Compliance Tip Link or call the hotline at (778) 745-0434.

For more information, please contact the City of Kimberley

Bylaw Officer: 250-427-9663 or Bylaw@kimberley.ca

Planner: 250-427-9665 or Planning@kimberley.ca

Kimberley Fire Department: 250-427-3473