Zoning & Rezoning
Zoning is a way of regulating the use of land by designating properties for a specific use or range of uses, density, siting and building form – for example, whether a property can be used for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes, and what kind of building can be located on it.
Rezoning is the process of changing the zoning of a property. A property owner may request a change in their property’s zoning to obtain a use or a density that is not permitted under the existing zoning.
Zoning Maps and Bylaws
Kimberley has two Zoning Bylaws - Bylaw 1850 which applies to most properties in Kimberley and Bylaw 2016 which applies to certain properties in the alpine resort area.
Find Zoning and other helpful information (such as dimensions, utilities, etc.) for any property in Kimberley on our Maps and GIS Data page.
Zoning Amendments
Zoning can only be changed by applying for an amendment to the Zoning Bylaw. The proposed zoning must conform to the land use designation outlined in the Official Community Plan (OCP). If this is not the case, an OCP amendment application is also required.
Zoning and OCP amendment applications are reviewed by staff and Council prior to a public hearing through which Council can receive feedback from the community on any proposed changes. When both OCP and zoning amendments are required, they are usually considered concurrently by Council.
It is recommended that you arrange a meeting with a Planning Services staff person to discuss your proposal prior to submitting an application. Please call Planning Services at 250.427.5311 or planning@kimberley.ca to arrange an appointment.
Download the Application for Zoning Amendment
For more information or to determine the zoning of a particular property, please contact:
Planning Services
Phone: 250-427-5311
Email: Planning@kimberley.ca