Kimberley Official Community Plan
The land use designations, objectives and policies in this section will be used to guide planning and land use decisions. They are intended to contribute towards building a complete community that balances the social, economic and environmental needs of residents and visitors and that reflects the community’s desired vision for the future. The land use designations described in this section are represented on the Land Use Plan (Schedule A).
5.1 Residential
Support compact growth utilizing existing infrastructure capacity, with walkable connections between neighbourhoods, open spaces and other amenities, while improving housing diversity and affordability to accommodate the various housing needs of existing, as well as future residents, and to meet the changing needs of all age groups.
The City will:
- limit fringe subdivisions to reduce fire protection and infrastructure maintenance costs;
- encourage appropriate scale and diverse infill housing in areas with infrastructure capacity to support new growth and close to key community amenities, commercial areas and open spaces;
- prioritize greater variety of housing types, sizes and densities within all neighbourhoods so residents of different family types, life stages and income levels can afford to rent or own property;
- support increased diversity of two, three and four unit dwellings as well as townhouse developments in all residential areas;
- reduce minimum lot sizes for two, three and four unit dwellings as well as townhouse developments in all residential areas;
- encourage new multi-dwelling developments to provide a minimum percentage of accessible ground floor units to meet housing needs of seniors and people with disabilities;
- encourage a minimum percentage of affordable housing units in all new multi-dwelling developments;
- encourage age-friendly and affordable housing for seniors and graduated care facilities that support the retention of aging family members within the community;
- encourage a diverse mixture of housing types, tenure options and sizes to meet the housing needs of all socio-economic groups;
- encourage higher density residential development within close proximity to existing commercial centres;
- support a diverse and compatible mix of commercial, residential, and work-live uses within, nearby or adjacent to the downtown and other commercial areas;
- support appropriate-scaled neighbourhood commercial development where appropriate;
- review home based business regulations to ensure they encourage the appropriate scale and type of commercial activity as to maintain the character of residential neighbourhoods;
- encourage diverse and safe transportation options and enhance opportunities for residents to walk, cycle and use transit;
- encourage greater energy efficiency in both existing and new buildings;
- ensure future residential development and subdivision will preserve open spaces, protect environmentally sensitive areas and natural landscape features to maintain ecosystem function, manage stormwater and flooding, and help to sequester greenhouse gas emissions; and
- support green infrastructure especially stormwater management.
5.2 Commercial
Encourage visually appealing, pedestrian oriented, unique and diverse commercial development that contributes to improving the aesthetics, vibrancy and functionality of Kimberley’s commercial areas and to foster a high quality year round destination that enhances the experience for both residents and visitors.
The City will:
- maintain and enhance pedestrian orientated commercial areas to ensure they are vibrant, welcoming and accessible to all ages;
- review zoning to ensure and encourage appropriate commercial, residential or mixed residential-commercial uses within, nearby or adjacent to commercial districts;
- encourage high quality redevelopment and renovations to existing commercial buildings to enhance the visual appeal and encourage the upgrading of energy efficiency to reduce energy use and emissions;
- continue to promote upgrades to existing commercial buildings in need of repair through incentives and revitalization programs;
- maintain the principle intended use of the resort village core for visitor accommodation and supporting commercial services;
- continue to enhance economic coordination and improve walking, cycling and transit connections between the resort and downtown;
- enhance wayfinding signage throughout Kimberley to help visitors move easily between commercial areas, tourist accommodation, attractions and facilities;
- improve the pedestrian, cycling and public transportation links between commercial centres and community amenities;
- encourage energy efficient technologies and practices in all new buildings, including the use of biomass district heat, solar and other renewable energy systems;
- encourage economic opportunities that will provide secure local employment with the potential for career advancement;
- collaborate with the local Chamber of Commerce to support business attraction and retention and encourage suitable economic development;
- continue to foster opportunities for growth in the tourism and outdoor recreation sectors, unique retail, food & beverage services, as well as other industries likely to provide year round, permanent employment for residents;
- support regional economic collaboration through initiatives, such as funding programs, joint destination marketing efforts, and other regional initiatives that provide a mutual benefit to Kimberley and neighbouring communities;
- review regulations for tourist accommodation and short term visitor rentals to ensure that the City has the appropriate tools to manage the short-term and long-term rental supply and to reduce potential conflict with adjacent residential uses; and
- review home based business regulations to ensure they encourage the appropriate scale and type of business activities in commercial or residential settings.
5.3 Industrial
Support a robust and diversified economy by encouraging the development of industrial lands to support employment growth and expansion of innovative industrial uses, specialized manufacturing and processing, renewable energy, technology and knowledge-based businesses.
The City will:
- collaborate with Teck to make additional remediated lands available for new industrial and commercial service development opportunities;
- encourage industries that minimize emissions and other environmental impacts and that maximize energy efficiencies and local employment opportunities;
- encourage a more diversified economy by attracting businesses that value the natural setting, expand renewable energy technologies, and provide well-paying jobs;
- support a range of light service industries that provide economic opportunities and services for local residents, visitors and the business community;
- continue to support the expansion of SunMine and other solar and renewable energy opportunities;
- consider re-designating surplus portions of residential development lands for solar and other renewable energy uses;
- support opportunities for subdividing and servicing an industrial business park on lands identified for industrial use on Jim Ogilvie Way;
- encourage remediation of brownfield sites to increase supply of land available to support the expansion or development of new industrial and commercial service uses; and
- encourage industrial development in locations that are already serviced or can be cost-efficiently serviced.
5.4 Parks, Recreation and Open Space
Continue with the development of a well-planned, well-maintained, and integrated system of trails, open space, parks and recreational opportunities that promote Kimberley as a recreation destination, strengthens the economy and enhances quality of life for residents
The City will:
- protect, preserve and connect natural areas, parks and public spaces within and around the community to promote recreation, healthy living, and a connection with nature;
- protect and enhance natural areas and systems to maintain and improve ecosystem function, manage stormwater and flooding, and help to sequester greenhouse gas emissions;
- collaborate with stakeholders to restrict resource and industrial activities and minimize human access, trail development and recreational uses in order to protect and preserve water quality in the Mark Creek and Matthew Creek watersheds;
- ensure private sector developments include trails and pathways to connect with nearby neighbourhoods and encourage new developments to include open space and recreational amenities that are accessible to the public;
- utilize Development Permits to identify and preserve natural areas, wildlife habitat and other environmentally sensitive areas in the community and to protect development from natural hazards;
- ensure that any park land dedication at subdivision includes land that complements the existing park and pathway system;
- consider the option for cash in lieu of parkland dedication under one or more of the following circumstances:
- the total parcel size would be too small for a park or pathway component;
- the land under consideration would not complement the park or pathway system; or
- no park needs are identified in the area.
- encourage the donation or bequest of privately owned lands which support the objectives of the City’s park, open space and pathways systems;
- continue to plan for future park, pathway and open space needs of the community by considering the implementation of development cost charges for parks; and,
- ensure that non-agricultural use or subdivision of lands within the Agricultral Land Reserve is restricted unless approved by the Agricultural Land Commission
5.5 Institutional
Support, maintain and enhance the services delivered by institutions in the community including schools, protective services, and local government operated facilities and utilities such as wastewater treatment and waste management facilities.
The City will:
- ensure energy and greenhouse gas emissions reductions in all new municipal buildings and significant retrofits including use of biomass district heat, solar and other renewable energy systems;
- ensure any new school, protective service or civic facilities are located in close proximity to commercial services, community amenities and residential neighbourhoods to enable increased walking, cycling and transit use;
- ensure any new, or significant retrofits to existing, wastewater treatment or waste management facilities minimize potential nuisance impacts on nearby land uses;
- encourage complementary institutional uses to locate in the downtown area;
- develop a sustainable funding program for the annual and ongoing maintenance of City of Kimberley institutional facilities; and
- prioritize the replacement or upgrading of existing City of Kimberley institutional facilities and develop a capital plan to finance their construction.
5.6 Resource and Mining Reclamation
Support ongoing reclamation and remediation efforts taking place on the former Sullivan Mine and Concentrator lands and encourage opportunities to utilize these lands for further economic diversification.
The City will:
- support existing operations and new permits to allow sand and gravel extraction in appropriate locations;
- support efforts to make remediated lands available for future industrial, renewable energy or other appropriate development opportunities; and
- support ongoing reclamation and remediation activities to ensure any potential health and environment risks are being mitigated.