Kimberley Official Community Plan
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Purpose of the Official Community Plan
1.2 Why Update the Plan?
1.3 A Guide for Decision Making
1.4 Administration
2.0 Context
2.1 Land Base
2.2 Future Growth
3.0 Community Priorities
3.1 Our Vision
3.2 Our Priorities
4.0 Achieving Our Vision
4.1 Community Character
4.2 Built Environment
4.3 Growth Management
4.4 Economic Development
4.5 Natural Environment
4.6 Heritage and Culture
4.7 Infrastructure
4.8 Municipal Finance, Governance, and Civic Participation
5.0 Managing Land Use and Development
5.1 Residential
5.2 Commercial
5.3 Industrial
5.4 Parks, Recreation and Open Space
5.5 Institutional
5.6 Resource and Mining Reclamation
6.0 Development Permit Areas
6.1 Development Permit Area #1 - Residential
6.2 Development Permit Area #2 - Commercial
6.3 Development Permit Area #3 - Industrial
6.4 Development Permit Area #4 – Natural Hazards
6.5 Development Permit Area #5 – Environmental Protection
7.0 Temporary Use Permits
7.1 Area Designation
7.2 Justification and Objectives
8.0 Implementation
Schedule A: Land Use Plan (including A1 & A2 detail maps)
Schedule B: Development Permit Area #4: Steep Slope Hazard
Schedule C: Development Permit Area #4: Wildfire Hazard
Schedule D: Development Permit Area #4: Flood Hazard
Schedule E: Development Permit Area #5: Environmental Protection