Kimberley Official Community Plan
The OCP review was a multi-step process, with numerous opportunities for community involvement. The key components to the OCP update process included:
- Policy Gap Analysis – identified areas where the OCP is either not aligned or does not address direction from other key strategy and policy documents, including:
- Council Strategic Priorities
- Kimberley Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP) (2011)
- 5 year Economic Development Strategy Implementation Plan (2010)
- Kimberley Affordable Housing Needs Assessment and Action Strategy (2009)
- Community Energy & Emissions Plan (2013)
- Carbon Neutral Action Plan (2012)
- Adapting to Climate Change in Kimberley (2009)
- Kimberley Community Branding Strategy (2013)
- Kimberley Tourism Plan (2007 & 2010 update)
- School Division No. 6 Long Term Facility Plan (Draft 2017)
- RDEK Regional Sustainability Strategy (2014)
- Community Wildfire Protection Plans (2004, 2005 & 2009)
- Kimberley Cultural Plan (2009)
- Recreation Trails Master Plan (2003)
- City of Kimberley Zoning Bylaws
- Community Consultation – A project website, a community survey and an interactive community engagement tool, PlaceSpeak, were utilized throughout the process to help community members to keep up-to-date on the project, provide comments, share ideas and facilitate a broad range of participation. A concentrated “OCP in a Week” engagement effort was held in January 2016 utilizing temporary space in downtown Kimberley for drop-in and scheduled community conversations. Additional discussions were held with key community stakeholders to gather feedback and inform policy revisions.
- GIS Mapping and Review – A significant amount of staff time and energy went into the development of a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) that was instrumental to the overall OCP update process including improved mapping and understanding of the land and infrastructure picture. The GIS also helps to improve accessibility of planning and land use information through an online portal https://bit.ly/KimberleyGIS
- Infrastructure Overview – Drafting of the OCP included a review of existing infrastructure capacity and asset renewal priorities and the identification of opportunities to align and integrate growth and land use policies to help reduce the infrastructure deficit. As a result, the OCP includes objectives and policies intended to prioritize growth in areas where infrastructure capacity already exists or can be provided cost effectively and to discourage development in areas that would require infrastructure investment that is cost prohibitive to the community over the long-term.
- Community Open House – A first draft of the updated OCP was launched in June 2017 along with information on two key infrastructure projects - the Downtown Strategy and the Wastewater Treatment Facility - that will be instrumental to future development and implementation of the OCP. Feedback gathered at and since the Open House was used to refine and prepare the OCP for the formal bylaw review, public hearing and adoption process.
- OCP Bylaw and Public Hearing – The formal bylaw review process was initiated in December 2017 in accordance with the Local Government Act.