Kimberley Official Community Plan
Refers to the ability of people with disabilities or health and activity limitations to get around, experience and enjoy their community and lead active, healthy, fulfilling and engaged lives. This implies that mobility options, homes, buildings, public spaces, technology, programs, access to information, and support services are free of barriers, enabling all people to use them independently.
Active Transportation
Walking, cycling and other human-powered modes of travel.
Affordable Housing
A variety of housing types and sizes to adequately meet the diverse needs of community members, especially low- and moderate-income households, at costs below those generally found in the Kimberley market. It may take a number of forms that exist along a continuum – from emergency shelters, to transitional housing, to non-market subsidized rental, and ending with market rental and ownership units.
Biodiversity Corridor
An area or link connecting two or more larger areas of similar habitat that is protected, maintained or enhanced to support movement and survival of any variety of plants and animals in an ecosystem and the evolutionary and functional process that link them.
Environmentally Sensitive Areas
A site or place that has environmental attributes worthy of special care to support the retention and/or enhancement of plant and animal habitat, soil stability, water retention or recharge, vegetative cover and similar vital ecological functions. These areas may range in size from small patches to extensive landscape features and may include rare or common habitats, plants and animals. These areas require special management attention to protect natural systems or processes, and/or historical, cultural or scenic values.
Qualified Professional
A person with appropriate education, training and experience, fully insured, licenced, certified or registered and in good standing with their relevant professional association.
An area of land where all of the surface water from rainfall and snowmelt drains into the same lake or river.
A swamp, marsh, or other similar area that supports natural vegetation that is distinct from the adjacent upland areas. More specifically, a wetland is an area where a water table is at, near, or above the surface or where soils are water-saturated for a sufficient length of time that excess water and resulting low oxygen levels are principal determinants of vegetation and soil development.