City Invites Public Input on the 2024-2028 Five-Year Financial Plan/Budget 2024
The City of Kimberley has initiated its comprehensive 2024-2028 Five-Year Financial Plan/Budget 2024 process, aimed at fostering fiscal transparency and sound financial management. Deputy Chief Administrative Officer (DCAO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Jim Hendricks recently launched a series of budget meetings, setting the stage for a thorough examination of the City's financial strategy. Now, the City invites public input into that plan and the 2024 budget.
Residents are encouraged to weigh-in on by viewing presentations and documents and asking questions directly to City staff. The first presentation is now available for viewing. In this video, DCAO/CFO Hendricks outlines key aspects of the Revenue Policy, laying the groundwork for upcoming discussions on Capital and Non-Capital Project Plans developed in conjunction with all City departments.
The City of Kimberley recognizes the importance of incorporating public perspectives into the decision-making process. This collaborative effort ensures that the financial plans align with the needs and desires of the community.
To stay informed and engaged, residents should stay tuned to where updates, documents, videos and announcements related to the 2024-2028 Financial Plan and Budget 2024 will be made available. DCAO/CFO Hendricks will continue to report on various aspects of the financial plans and seek direction from City Council and the community in the coming months.
The City encourages residents to take advantage of opportunities to get involved and make their voices heard. Together, we can help shape a prosperous future for Kimberley.
For further information and ways to engage, please visit