
Successful Completion of Prescribed Burn in Lois Creek


The prescribed burn conducted in the Lois Creek area was a success. The Kimberley Fire Department, in partnership with the BC Wildfire Service, safely completed the burn of approximately 10 hectares northeast of 8th Avenue, near the Lois Creek trail network.

We thank the community for your cooperation during this important fire prevention effort. Prescribed burns are essential for reducing wildfire risks, protecting homes, and preserving the health of our local ecosystem.

Members of the Kimberley Fire Department will continue to monitor the area in the coming days to ensure public safety. While the burn area is stable, it will continue to produce smoke, and flames may be visible from some stumps until we receive a significant rainfall. We remind residents and visitors that using the trails is at your own risk. We ask everyone to:

  • Stay on designated trails to avoid potential hazards. 
  • Keep pets on a leash at all times to ensure their safety.
  • Be mindful of any posted signage or detours in the Lois Creek Trails.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to safeguard our community from wildfire risks.