
You Are Invited to Participate in Drive-Through/Gas Station Survey


The City of Kimberley is inviting community members to participate in shaping the future of drive-throughs and gas stations within city limits. Recognizing the need for updated policies and regulations, the City seeks valuable input from residents to ensure that future developments align with community values and expectations.

Last year, an application for a restaurant featuring a drive-through service and a gas station highlighted gaps in the City's land use regulations and policies. The subsequent public interest in the application highlighted the importance of addressing these gaps to provide clear guidelines for future development.

To facilitate this community engagement, the City has launched a short online survey accessible on Engage Kimberley at Residents are encouraged to share their thoughts regarding drive-throughs and gas stations. The survey is available for completion until March 31, 2024.

The feedback collected will play a pivotal role in establishing policies and regulations that reflect the community's collective vision. This initiative is an opportunity to provide clearer direction to both residents and potential investors, ensuring that future developments contribute positively to the city's character and align with community values.

Residents are encouraged to visit Engage Kimberley and participate in the survey to have their voices heard. Paper copies are available at City Hall.